This is a P6 field supported by the Integration app.
Description: A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects usually contain a work breakdown structure (WBS) and activities.
P6 Field | Description | Read-Only |
ActivityDefaultActivityType | Indicates the activityType of the activity. | No |
ActivityDefaultCalendarName | The name of the Activity Default Calendar of this project. | Yes |
ActivityDefaultCalendarObjectId | The unique ID of the Activity Default Calendar of this project. | No |
ActivityDefaultCostAccountObjectId | The unique ID of the Activity Default Cost Acount of this project. | No |
ActivityDefaultDurationType | Indicates the activity default duration type of the activity.. | No |
ActivityDefaultPercentCompleteType | Indicates the activity default percent complete type of the activity.. | No |
ActivityDefaultPricePerUnit | The activity default price per unit for a activity. | No |
ActivityIdBasedOnSelectedActivity | The boolean activity id based on selected activity indicator of the activity. | No |
ActivityIdIncrement | The increment value of the activity Id. | No |
ActivityIdPrefix | The prefix value of the activity Id. | No |
ActivityIdSuffix | The suffix value of the activity Id. | No |
ActivityPercentCompleteBasedOnActivitySteps | The boolean activity percent complete based on activity steps value of the prject. | No |
AddActualToRemaining | The boolean add actual to remaining value of the activity. | No |
AddedBy | The addedBy value of the project. | No |
AllowNegativeActualUnitsFlag | The boolean allow negative actual units flag value of the activity. | No |
AnnualDiscountRate | The annual discount rate value of the project. | No |
AnticipatedFinishDate | The anticipated finish date of the project. | No |
AnticipatedStartDate | The anticipated start date of the project. | No |
AssignmentDefaultDrivingFlag | The boolean assignment default driving flag value of the assignment. | No |
AssignmentDefaultRateType | Indicates the default rate type of the assignment. | No |
BaselineTypeName | The baseline type name of the baseline project. | No |
BaselineTypeObjectId | The unique ID of the BaselineType object. It is only available when the project is a baseline project. | No |
CalculateFloatBasedOnFinishDate | The flag that indicates how each activity's float will be calculated with respect to other projects in the scheduling batch. This setting only has an effect when scheduling multiple projects at the same time | Yes |
CheckOutDate | The check out date of the project. | Yes |
CheckOutStatus | The boolean check out status flag value of the project. | No |
CheckOutUserObjectId | The check out user objectId value. | Yes |
ComputeTotalFloatType | The method for calculating total float for all activities. | Yes |
ContainsSummaryData | The boolean contains summary data flag of the project. | Yes |
ContractManagementGroupName | The contract management group name value of the project. | No |
ContractManagementProjectName | The contract management project name value of the project. | No |
CostQuantityRecalculateFlag | The boolean cost quantity recalculate flag of the project. | No |
CreateDate | The created date of the project. | Yes |
CreateUser | The user who created the project. | Yes |
CriticalActivityFloatLimit | The critical activity float limit. | No |
CriticalActivityFloatThreshold | The maximum float time for activities before they are marked critical. | Yes |
CriticalActivityPathType | Indicates Activity critical path type. | No |
CriticalFloatThreshold | The option used for setting the critical float threshold value when scheduling projects. | Yes |
CurrentBaselineProjectObjectId | The current baseline project objectId of the project. | No |
CurrentBudget | The current budget of the project. | Yes |
CurrentVariance | The current variance of the project. | Yes |
DataDate | The data date of the project. | No |
DateAdded | The date added of the project. | No |
DefaultPriceTimeUnits | Indicates default price time units of the activity | No |
Description | The description of the project. | No |
DiscountApplicationPeriod | Indicates discount application period of the project | No |
DistributedCurrentBudget | The distributed current budget of the project. | Yes |
EarnedValueComputeType | Indicates earned value compute type of the project | No |
EarnedValueETCComputeType | Indicates earned value ETC compute type of the project | No |
EarnedValueETCUserValue | The earned value ETC user value for project computing earned value. | No |
EarnedValueUserPercent | The earned value user percent for project to compute earned value. | No |
EnablePublication | The boolean enable publication flag of the project. | No |
EnableSummarization | The boolean enable summarization flag of the project. | No |
FinishDate | The date finish date of the project. | Yes |
FiscalYearStartMonth | The fiscal year start month of the project. | No |
ForecastFinishDate | The date forecast finish date of the project. | Yes |
ForecastStartDate | The date forecast start date of the project. | Yes |
GUID | The GUID of the project. | No |
HasFutureBucketData | The boolean has future bucket data flag of the project. | Yes |
Id | The short id assigned to each project for identification. | No |
IgnoreOtherProjectRelationships | The option used by the scheduler for treating activity relationships between projects when scheduling. | Yes |
IndependentETCLaborUnits | The independent ETC labor units of the project. | No |
IndependentETCTotalCost | The independent ETC total cost of the project. | No |
IntegratedType | The type of system integration, if any, in place at the organization. | No |
IsTemplate | The boolean is template flag of the project. | Yes |
LastApplyActualsDate | The last apply actuals date of the project. | Yes |
LastFinancialPeriodObjectId | The last financial period objectId of the project. | No |
LastLevelDate | The last leveling date of the project. | Yes |
LastPublishedOn | The date last published on of the project. | Yes |
LastScheduleDate | The last schedule date of the project. | Yes |
LastSummarizedDate | The last summarized date of the project. | Yes |
LastUpdateDate | The last update date of the project. | Yes |
LastUpdateUser | The last update user of the project. | Yes |
Latitude | The latitude of the location. | Yes |
LevelingPriority | The leveling priority of the project. | No |
LimitMultipleFloatPaths | The number of critical float paths to calculate. | Yes |
LinkActualToActualThisPeriod | The boolean link actual to actual this period of the project. | No |
LinkPercentCompleteWithActual | The boolean link percent complete with actual of the project. | No |
LinkPlannedAndAtCompletionFlag | The boolean link planned and atCompletion flag of the project. | No |
LocationName | The name of the location assigned to the project. | Yes |
LocationObjectId | The unique ID of the location assigned to the project. | No |
Longitude | The longitude of the location. | Yes |
MakeOpenEndedActivitiesCritical | The option used by the scheduler for automatically leveling resources when scheduling projects. | Yes |
MaximumMultipleFloatPaths | The number of critical float paths to calculate | Yes |
MultipleFloatPathsEnabled | The Boolean value that indicates whether multiple critical float paths (sequences of activities) should be calculated in the project schedule. | Yes |
MultipleFloatPathsEndingActivityObjectId | The activity in the WBS that you want to represent the end of the float paths. | Yes |
MultipleFloatPathsUseTotalFloat | The Boolean value that decides whether or not to use total float in multiple float path calculations. | Yes |
MustFinishByDate | The date by which all project activities must finish. | No |
Name | The name of the project. | No |
NetPresentValue | The net present value of the project. | Yes |
ObjectId | The unique ID generated by the system. | No |
OBSName | The obs name of the project. | Yes |
OBSObjectId | The obs object id of the project. | No |
OriginalBudget | The original budget of the project. | No |
OriginalProjectObjectId | The unique ID of the original project. It is a baseline project if this field is not null. | Yes |
OutOfSequenceScheduleType | The type of logic used to schedule the progressed activities: 'Retained Logic', 'Progress Override', or 'Actual Dates'. | Yes |
OverallProjectScore | The overall project score of the project. | Yes |
OwnerResourceId | The short code that uniquely identifies the owner resource. | No |
OwnerResourceObjectId | The owner resource objectId of the project. | No |
ParentEPSId | The parent eps id of the project. | No |
ParentEPSObjectId | The unique ID of the parent EPS of this project. | No |
PaybackPeriod | The pay back period of the project. | Yes |
PlannedStartDate | The planned start date of the project. | No |
PostResponsePessimisticFinish | The calculated project post-response finish date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | No |
PostResponsePessimisticStart | The calculated project post-response start date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | No |
PreResponsePessimisticFinish | The calculated project pre-response finish date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | No |
PreResponsePessimisticStart | The calculated project pre-response start date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | No |
PrimaryResourcesCanMarkActivitiesAsCompleted | The boolean primary resources can mark activities as completed flag of the project. | No |
ProjectForecastStartDate | The forecast start date of the project. | No |
ProjectScheduleType | Schedule type of the project - Valid values are 'Duration' or 'Resource' or 'Cost'. | No |
PropertyType | The project property name associated with the scheduling of projects. | Yes |
| Yes |
PublicationPriority | The publication priority of the project. | No |
RelationshipLagCalendar | The calendar used to calculate the lag between predecessors and successors for all activities. | Yes |
ResetPlannedToRemainingFlag | The boolean reset planned to remaining flag of the project. | No |
ResourceCanBeAssignedToSameActivityMoreThanOnce | The boolean resource can be assigned to same activity more than once flag of the project. | No |
ResourcesCanAssignThemselvesToActivities | The boolean resource can assign themselves to activities of the project. | No |
ResourcesCanEditAssignmentPercentComplete | The boolean resource can edit assignment percent complete of the project. | No |
ResourcesCanMarkAssignmentAsCompleted | The boolean resource can mark assignment as completed of the project. | No |
ResourcesCanViewInactiveActivities | The boolean resource can view inactive activities of the project. | No |
ReturnOnInvestment | The return on investment of the project. | Yes |
RiskExposure | The proposed budget of the project. | Yes |
RiskLevel | Indicates risk level of the project | No |
RiskMatrixName | The name of the associated risk matrix. | Yes |
RiskMatrixObjectId | The risk matrix objectId of the project. | No |
RiskScore | The risk score of the project. | Yes |
ScheduledFinishDate | The scheduled finish date of the project. | No |
SourceProjectObjectId | The source project objectId of the project. | Yes |
StartDate | The start date of the project. | Yes |
StartToStartLagCalculationType | The method used to calculate lag when a start-to-start relationship exists and the predecessor starts out of sequence. | Yes |
Status | The status of the project. | No |
StrategicPriority | The strategic priority of the project. | No |
SummarizedDataDate | The summarized data date of the project. | No |
SummarizeToWBSLevel | The summarize to wbs level of the project. | No |
SummaryAccountingVarianceByCost | The summary accounting variance by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAccountingVarianceByLaborUnits | The summary accounting variance by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActivityCount | The summary activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualDuration | The summary actual duration of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualExpenseCost | The summary actual expense costof the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualFinishDate | The summary actual finish date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualLaborCost | The summary actual labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualLaborUnits | The summary actual labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualMaterialCost | The summary actual material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualNonLaborCost | The summary actual nonlabor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualNonLaborUnits | The summary actual nonlabor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualStartDate | The summary actual start date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodCost | The summary actual this period cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodLaborCost | The summary actual this period labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodLaborUnits | The summary actual this period labor unit of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodMaterialCost | The summary actual this period material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodNonLaborCost | The summary actual this period nonlabor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualThisPeriodNonLaborUnits | The summary actual this period nonlabor unit of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualTotalCost | The summary actual total cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualValueByCost | The summary actual value by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryActualValueByLaborUnits | The summary actual value by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionDuration | The summary at completion duration of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionExpenseCost | The summary at completion expense cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionLaborCost | The summary at completion labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionLaborUnits | The summary at completion labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionMaterialCost | The summary at completion material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionNonLaborCost | The summary at completion nonlabor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionNonLaborUnits | The summary at completion nonlabor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionTotalCost | The summary at completion total cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryAtCompletionTotalCostVariance | The summary at completion total cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineCompletedActivityCount | The summary baseline completed activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineDuration | The summary baseline duration of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineExpenseCost | The summary baseline expense cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineFinishDate | The summary baseline finish date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineInProgressActivityCount | The summary baseline in progress activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineLaborCost | The summary baseline labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineLaborUnits | The summary baseline labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineMaterialCost | The summary baseline material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineNonLaborCost | The summary baseline nonlabor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineNonLaborUnits | The summary baseline nonlabor Units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineNotStartedActivityCount | The summary baseline not start activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineStartDate | The summary baseline start date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBaselineTotalCost | The summary baseline total cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBudgetAtCompletionByCost | The summary budget at comletion by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryBudgetAtCompletionByLaborUnits | The summary budget at completion by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCompletedActivityCount | The summary completed activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostPercentComplete | The summary cost percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostPercentOfPlanned | The summary cost percent of planned of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostPerformanceIndexByCost | The summary cost performance index by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostPerformanceIndexByLaborUnits | The summary cost performance index by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostVarianceByCost | The summary cost variance by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostVarianceByLaborUnits | The summary cost variance by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostVarianceIndex | The summary cost variance index of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostVarianceIndexByCost | The summary cost variance index by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryCostVarianceIndexByLaborUnits | The summary cost variance index by labor unit of the project. | Yes |
SummaryDurationPercentComplete | The summary duration percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryDurationPercentOfPlanned | The summary duration percent of planned of the project. | Yes |
SummaryDurationVariance | The summary duration variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEarnedValueByCost | The summary earned value by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEarnedValueByLaborUnits | The summary earned value by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateAtCompletionByCost | The summary estimate at completion by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateAtCompletionByLaborUnits | The summary estimate at completion by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateAtCompletionHighPercentByLaborUnits | The summary estimate at completion high percent by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateAtCompletionLowPercentByLaborUnits | The summary estimate at completion low percent by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateToCompleteByCost | The summary estimate to completion by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryEstimateToCompleteByLaborUnits | The summary estimate to completion by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryExpenseCostPercentComplete | The summary expense cost percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryExpenseCostVariance | The summary expense cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryFinishDateVariance | The summary finish date variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryInProgressActivityCount | The summary in progress activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryLaborCostPercentComplete | The summary labor cost percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryLaborCostVariance | The summary labor cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryLaborUnitsPercentComplete | The summary labor units percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryLaborUnitsVariance | The summary labor units variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryLevel | Indicates summary level of the project | No |
SummaryMaterialCostPercentComplete | The summary material cost percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryMaterialCostVariance | The summary material cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryNonLaborCostPercentComplete | The summary nonlabor cost percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryNonLaborCostVariance | The summary nonlabor cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryNonLaborUnitsPercentComplete | The summary nonlabor units percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryNonLaborUnitsVariance | The summary nonlabor units variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryNotStartedActivityCount | The summary non started activity count of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPerformancePercentCompleteByCost | The summary performance percent complete by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPerformancePercentCompleteByLaborUnits | The summary performance percent complete by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedCost | The summary planned cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedDuration | The summary planned duration of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedExpenseCost | The summary planned expense cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedFinishDate | The summary planned finish date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedLaborCost | The summary planned labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedLaborUnits | The summary planned labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedMaterialCost | The summary planned material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedNonLaborCost | The summary planned non labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedNonLaborUnits | The summary planned non labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedStartDate | The summary planned start date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedValueByCost | The summary planned value by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryPlannedValueByLaborUnits | The summary planned value by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryProgressFinishDate | The summary progress finish date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingDuration | The summary remaining duration of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingExpenseCost | The summary remaining expense cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingFinishDate | The summary remaining finish date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingLaborCost | The summary remaining labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingLaborUnits | The summary remaining labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingMaterialCost | The summary remaining material cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingNonLaborCost | The summary remaining non labor cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingNonLaborUnits | The summary remaining non labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingStartDate | The summary remaining start date of the project. | Yes |
SummaryRemainingTotalCost | The summary remaining total cost of the project. | Yes |
SummarySchedulePercentComplete | The summary schedule percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummarySchedulePercentCompleteByLaborUnits | The summary schedule percent complete by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummarySchedulePerformanceIndexByCost | The summary schedule performance index by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummarySchedulePerformanceIndexByLaborUnits | The summary schedule performance index by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryScheduleVarianceByCost | The summary schedule variance by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryScheduleVarianceByLaborUnits | The summary schedule variance by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryScheduleVarianceIndex | The summary schedule variance index of the project. | Yes |
SummaryScheduleVarianceIndexByCost | The summary schedule variance index by cost of the project. | Yes |
SummaryScheduleVarianceIndexByLaborUnits | The summary schedule variance index by labor units of the project. | Yes |
SummaryStartDateVariance | The summary start date variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryToCompletePerformanceIndexByCost | The summary to complete performance index by costof the project. | Yes |
SummaryTotalCostVariance | The summary total cost variance of the project. | Yes |
SummaryTotalFloat | The summary total float of the project. | Yes |
SummaryUnitsPercentComplete | The summary units percent complete of the project. | Yes |
SummaryVarianceAtCompletionByLaborUnits | The summary variance at completion by labor units of the project. | Yes |
TotalBenefitPlan | The total benefit plan of the project. | Yes |
TotalBenefitPlanTally | The total benefitplantally of the project. | Yes |
TotalFunding | The total funding of the project. | Yes |
TotalSpendingPlan | The total spending plan of the project. | Yes |
TotalSpendingPlanTally | The total spending plantally of the project. | Yes |
UnallocatedBudget | The unallocated budget of the project. | Yes |
UndistributedCurrentVariance | The undistributed current variance of the project. | Yes |
UseExpectedFinishDates | The option used for setting activity finish dates as the expected finish dates when scheduling projects. | Yes |
UseProjectBaselineForEarnedValue | The boolean use project baseline for earned value of the project. | No |
WBSCodeSeparator | The string wbs code separator of the project. | No |
WBSMilestonePercentComplete | The wbs milestone percent complete of the project. | Yes |
WBSObjectId | The unique ID of the associated wbs. | Yes |
WebSiteRootDirectory | The string web site root directory of the project. | No |
WebSiteURL | The string web site URL of the project. | No |
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025