Edit a Notebook Topic

You must have the Edit privilege assigned for the object in order to edit notes of the existing notebook topic for that object. When you edit notebook topic notes for an object, the notebook topic notes are updated only for that object, even if the topic is assigned to multiple objects. Notebook topics are supported for activities, WBSs, and projects.

To edit notes for a notebook topic assigned to an activity or WBS:

  1. Navigate to the page:
    • Navigate to the Activities page
    • Navigate to the WBS page
  2. Ensure the Notebook Topics column is displayed on the page.
    • In Settings, Notebook Topics is located under General in the Columns tab. For more information, see the Configure a Column topic.
  3. In the Notebook Topics field of the project row, select Notebook Topic .
  4. In the Notebook Topics panel, select the Context menu for the notebook topic, then select Edit.
  5. In the Notes Editor dialog box, edit the topic.
  6. Select Save in the Notebook Topics panel.

To edit notes for a notebook topic assigned to a project:

  1. In the object selector, select Project, and then select View Projects List.
    • You can also select View All Projects from the Workspace Home page to only view projects in the current workspace.
  2. Ensure the Notebook Topics column is displayed on the page.
    • In Settings, Notebook Topics is located under General in the Columns tab. For more information, see the Configure a Column topic.
  3. In the Notebook Topics field, select Notebook Topic .
  4. In the Notebook Topics panel, select the Context menu for the notebook topic, then select Edit.
  5. In the Notes Editor dialog box, edit the topic.
  6. Select Save in the Notes Editor.
  7. Select Save on the Projects page.