Add a Due Date to a Task on the Task List Page

Define the due date for a task or task milestone to specify when it is expected to be completed. After adding a duration and due date, your tasks will display on the Gantt chart according to their sequence.

To learn more about task due dates, see Understanding Tasks App Concepts.

To add a due date to a task on the Task list page:

  1. In the object selector, select Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Tasks, and then select Task List.
  3. In the table, select the task.
  4. In the Due Date column, select a due date for the task.
  5. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.


  • To select a due date that occurs on a non-work day, select the task, and then clear the check box in the Use Only Work Days column. Task milestones can always be assigned to a non-work day.
  • If a task is part of a hand-off chain, changing its due date directly, accepting a proposed due date, or setting a new committed due date will cause the task and other tasks in the chain to be moved. The current hand-off mode determines the movement of a hand-off chain when any of the tasks in the chain are modified:
    • Keep Hand-offs: Maintain hand-off logic, but allow for the addition or consumption of slack between tasks.
    • Break Hand-offs: Only maintain hand-off logic until the slack between two tasks reaches zero.