Configure the Task List Page Table

You can add, sort, align, group by, hide, pin, adjust to fit the content in the columns, and rename a column directly from the Task List table without opening the view settings. Each column in the table supports a menu with several options that vary depending on the column. Pinned columns are located in a section at the beginning of the Task List table. They do not move when the rest of the table is scrolled horizontally. This makes it easier to see the most important task fields, such as Name or State, when a large number of columns are displayed.

Columns that support grouping can be grouped from the menu. Additional grouping options, such as grouping interval and sort order, must be modified from the Manage Views panel. All of the column header options configured, except for the adjust to fit and alignment options, will be saved to the Named View currently set for the page.

To configure the Task List page table:

  1. In the object selector, select Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Tasks, and then select Task List.
  3. To add columns to the table:
    1. Select the Open Column Selector icon.
    2. In the column dropdown, next to a column name, select Show or Hide to add or remove the column from the table.
  4. To configure an existing column, right-click a column title or select Open Column Menu, and then select any of the following:
    • Sort: Hover over the Sort option and then select to sort the column by Ascending or Descending. Use Ctrl + click to add the column to an existing sort sequence.
    • Align Column: Hover over Align Column and then select from Align Left, Align Center, and Align Right to determine the alignment of the content in your columns.
    • Group By Column: Group activities by the selected column. You can also group by multiple columns or turn off a column grouping. This option is only available for fields that support grouping.
    • Hide Column: Remove the column from the table.
    • Adjust to fit content: Expand or shrink the width of the column to fit its contents. You can also double-click a column's right edge to adjust it.
    • Find and Replace: Displays the Find and Replace popover. If the column is read-only, then only Find is displayed. This option is only available for string fields.
    • Pin Column: Adds the column to the pinned section of the Task List table. You can also click and drag columns between the pinned and unpinned sections.
    • Rename Column: Displays the Rename a Column popover. If a new column name is not entered in the Rename Column popover and Rename is selected, the column name field will be blank. After a column is renamed, the custom name can be reset to the original name by selecting Reset in the Rename Column popover. Any changes to the column name are saved to your current view.
  5. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
