Recommit to a Task on the Task List Page


If you are unable to meet the due date of a previous commitment, you can recommit to work on the task. Select one or more reasons for missing the previous commitment, and then select a new due date for the recommitment. You can optionally add comments to further explain the recommitment. Track task commitment history in the Commitments detail window. If a proposed due date exists for a task, it will be displayed in the Recommit Task dialog box. This enables you to review the proposed due date before selecting the same or a different due date for the recommitment. When a task is committed, the proposed due date is removed from the task, and the current due date is updated to match the committed due date.

To learn more about task commitments, see Understanding Tasks App Concepts.

To recommit to a task on the Task List page:

  1. In the object selector, select Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Tasks, and then select Task List.
  3. In the table, select the task, select the Context menu, and then select Recommit.
  4. In the Recommit Task dialog box, complete the following fields:
    • Due Date: Select a due date for the recommitment.
    • Reasons Missed: Select one or more reasons for missing the previous commitment.

      Note: You can use the Select Reasons Missed dialog box to add new reasons. Select Manage Reasons to view the Reasons dictionary.

    • (Optional) In the Comments field, add any comments you may have regarding the recommitment. Comments for each recommitment are visible in the Commitments detail window.
    • Select Recommit.
  5. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
