Add a Manual Decision Step

Each manual decision step has one decision question. Performers or groups of performers answer this question to determine the subsequent path of the workflow.

To add a manual decision step:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspace, select View Workspaces List, and then select a workspace name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Workflows and Forms, and then select Workflow Design.
  3. On the Workflow Design page, select a workflow design.
  4. On the Workflow Design toolbar, select the Add a manual decision step and drag it onto the workflow design canvas.
  5. Use connector lines to define the position of the new step with respect to other steps. To add a connector line between two steps, select Draw Path icon Draw connector line on the step where you want the connector line to begin, then select the step where you want the connector line to end.

    Each connector line from a decision step corresponds to an exit option listed in the Manual Decision area.

  6. Select the new step.
  7. In the Manual Decision area, enter a Name and a Description for the step.
  8. In the Exit Options list, enter a new name for each exit option.

    The name you enter for each exit option appears as a possible answer to the assigned performers.

  9. In the Task Name field, enter a name for the manual decision task.

    The name you enter here appears as the task name to the assigned performers.

  10. In the Instructions text area, enter any instructions that may help task performers complete the task.
  11. In the Decision Question text area, enter the question that the task performers answer to complete the task.

    Performers choose one of the listed exit options to answer this question.

  12. Select Save.

Specify other aspects of the manual decision step on the Workflow Configuration page.