Update the Owning Workspace of an Evaluation Matrix Subcategory

In an Evaluation Matrix, individual evaluation subcategories can have their own owning workspace and are considered a shared data separate from the evaluation matrix. For more information about Evaluation Matrices, see Evaluation Matrix Overview.

You can change a subcategory's owning workspace only under the following conditions:

  • The user has the Edit permission in Workspace > Configuration > Evaluation Categories. 
  • Only one subcategory is selected. 
  • The current workspace is the owning workspace of the selected subcategory.

To change the owning workspace of an existing evaluation matrix subcategory:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspace.
  2. In the object selector, beside a workspace name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
  3. On the Summary & Settings page, select Dictionaries, and then select Evaluation Categories.
  4. Select the Context menu of an existing subcategory, and select Change Owning Workspace.

    Note: This option is only available for users who have the Edit permission granted in Workspace > Configuration > Evaluation Categories.

  5. In the Select Workspace dialog box, select the new owning workspace from the list of workspace for the selected subcategory. You can also use the search.

    Note: Only workspaces that use the same Evaluation Matrix and workspaces in the hierarchy up to the owning workspace of the subcategory are available for selection.

  6. Select Select.
  7. Select Save.


  • Select Used By in the Context menu to see a list of workspaces where the selected subcategory is currently in use.

This setting is used in the following apps:

Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment