Configure and Apply Filtering


On pages without saved filters, you can configure and apply filtering options as part of the current view. Filters reduce the data displayed on a page without deleting or otherwise removing it. Data that has been filtered out is still used for all calculations and reports.

On pages with named views, you can configure a different set of filtering options for each view. On pages without named views, filtering options are applied to the page.


To configure and apply filtering options:

  1. Navigate to a page, and then select Settings.
  2. In the Manage Views or Settings panel, select the Filtering tab.
  3. In the Manage Views panel, select the view to which you want to apply the filter.

    Note: In the Settings panel, filtering options are configured and applied directly to the page.

  4. Add a filter:
    1. In the Match list, select an option to define the filter conditions:
      • All of the following: Data is filtered only if it matches all the specified rules.
      • Any of the following: Data is filtered if it matches any of the specified rules.
    2. Select Add a filter condition.
    3. In the first row, use the following fields to define a filter rule:
      • Field: The data field to which the rule is applied.
      • Operator: The comparison operation for the rule.
      • Value: The value against which the rule compares the data field.
    4. Add rows for each filter rule you want to define.
    5. Add filter groups to define additional sets of conditions.
  5. Apply the view:

    In the Manage Views panel:

    1. Select Save. When selected, you are saving all changes to the current view.
    2. Select Save As. When selected, you can create a new Personal, Project, or Workspace view with a new name in the Save View as window.
    3. Select Apply. When selected, you are returned to the grid. The grid displays any changes you have made; however, those changes are not saved. To save changes select Save or Save As in the View list.
    4. Select Reset.
    5. Select Close.

    In the Settings panel:

    • Select Save.

In addition to the standard filtering options, the Work Plan, Hand-offs, Task List, and Constraints pages in the Tasks app also support the ability to configure and apply planning period options from the Filtering tab. On the Work Plan, Hand-offs, and Task List pages, you are filtering activities and tasks based on their start and finish dates. On the Constraints page, you are filtering task constraints based on their dates needed, promised dates, and assigned task start and finish dates.

To configure planning period filtering options:

  1. On the Filtering tab, in the Planning Period section, select one of the following:
    • All Weeks: Select to display all objects regardless of their dates.
    • Rolling Time Frame: Select to filter objects according to a planning period:
      • Weeks Before: Display any object whose dates occur within the specified number of weeks before the current date.
      • Weeks After: Display any object whose dates occur within the specified number of weeks after the current date.
