Check Out a File

Because files are shared, you are required to check them out and in to make updates to them. Checking out a file enables you to download it to your local machine where you can make edits and create a new version of the file. When you are finished updating the file, you can check it in so the new version of the file is saved to the project, portfolio, program, or idea library and available to other team members. You can check out a file from the File List page or a Files detail window.

To check out a file:

  • In a file row, select the Context menu, and then select Check Out.


  • Files are downloaded or opened depending on the file opening procedures of your browser. Files that are still pending virus scan can be downloaded or checked out. The application will ask you to confirm before you download or check out an unscanned file.
  • All users may view a checked out file, but only the user who has checked out the file may modify it until it is either checked in or check out is canceled.
  • When files are checked out, Checked Out displays next to the filename.
  • The person who checked out a file or the project-level File Administrator can cancel a check out. When a check out is canceled, the file will reflect no changes. To cancel a file check out, select the Context menu and select Cancel Check Out.