Select Projects for a Resource Planning Scenario
In the portfolio planning process, it may not be possible to execute all of the projects in your portfolio due to budgetary, resource, or other types of constraints. The Resource Planning page enables you to analyze all of the projects in your portfolio for role availability restrictions and select the best combination of projects to execute.
Before selecting projects, first ensure assigned roles are available to perform the work. Review the role work demands created by a resource planner, and resolve availability issues by allocating work units to individual roles. Adjust project and role allocation start dates to spread role requirements over a less demanding period of time. To further aid you in the selection process, you can view total and time-phased role costs for the demand, allocation, and committed units for each project. Include or exclude projects in the scenario to view the impact on role availability. Prioritize projects to ensure the most important ones are included in the plan.
You can use some or all of these methods to create the ideal resource planning scenario. Create multiple scenarios to simulate different allocations and different selections of projects. When finished, you can compare your scenarios and approve the best scenario for execution.
To select projects:
- Allocate Role Units on the Resource Planning Page
- Modify Allocation Dates on the Resource Planning Page
- Monitor Role Costs on the Resource Planning Page
- Prioritize Projects for Execution on the Resource Planning Page
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025