Use Optimization Recommendations in a Budget Planning Scenario

The budget scenario Optimization tool generates an optimal selection of projects based on given total and time-phased cost constraints. If possible, the tool also creates up to two alternative cost distribution scenarios that may offer a greater value than your current selection of projects. Each recommendation suggests a different distribution of time-phased constraints that achieves one or both objective values at the same or lower total cost. In the Recommendations dialog box, compare the total cost and objective values of any generated recommendations to your current optimization results. The Constraint Distribution detail window displays the total and time-phased constraints of your current distribution and selected recommendation. You can apply the selected recommendation's values to the current scenario or create a new one.


To review optimization recommendations:

  1. In the object selector, select Portfolio, and then select View Portfolios List.
  2. Select a portfolio name.
  3. From the Main Menu, select Cost and Funds, and then select Budget Planning.
  4. Select Scenario Optimization to display the Optimization panel.
  5. In the Constraints and Objectives sections, configure your constraint and objective parameters, and then select Optimize.

    The optimization process runs in the background. The scenario on which the optimization is being done is read-only while the optimization process runs.

    Note: You can only rename or duplicate the scenario while the optimization is in progress.

  6. You receive a notification in the Notifications panel when the process is complete. Select View Scenario from the notification to view the optimized scenario.
  7. Review optimization results.
  8. Select Apply Optimization to apply the optimized project selection on the scenario.
  9. Select Recommendations to view alternative time-phased cost distribution scenarios that may offer a greater value than your current selection of projects.
  10. In the recommendations dialog box, use the chart, grid, and Constraint Distribution detail window to compare recommendation values with the results of your current selection of projects.
  11. In the grid, select a scenario recommendation.
  12. Select one of the following:
    • Apply to Current Scenario: Applies and saves the selected recommendation's project selections and cost constraint data to the current scenario.
    • Create New Scenario: Creates a new scenario based on the project selections and cost constraint data of the currently selected scenario. After you receive confirmation that the scenario has been created, select OK, and then select Close.
