Tasks Analysis Overview

Evaluating Task Performance Video

The Analysis page in the Tasks app displays a variety of charts that are useful for monitoring project task performance. The page includes charts that track overall project task performance, task performance by company, and the most common reasons for work delays. You can filter the display of data by the current week, across a six-week time period, or across a custom date range. You can also use quick filters to limit the analysis results by one or more companies. The data in each chart represents the most current task information.

Project Planned Percent Complete

The Planned Percent Complete (PPC) metric indicates the completion performance of your project's committed tasks over time. Calculated as the number of completed tasks divided by the number of task commitments, PPC enables you to track your actual work against your planned work. Daily PPC metrics are calculated up to and including the previous day. Weekly PPC metrics are calculated up to and including the previous week. Individual bars in the chart display the PPC value for the corresponding time period. Hover over past bars to show committed, completed, and PPC values for the tasks in the time period. Bars for the current day and week display PPC as Pending since PPC is only calculated up to the previous day or week. Future period bars display the number of committed tasks.

You can enable the display of two PPC values above the chart. The Total Project PPC value is calculated from the beginning of the project up to the previous week. The Time Frame PPC value is calculated for the committed tasks that fall within the selected time frame. You can configure additional options in the chart settings.

Company Planned Percent Complete

Each bar in the chart represents the PPC value of tasks assigned to a particular company in your project. This metric enables you to view each company's task completion performance against what they had planned. Company PPC is only calculated up to and including the previous day or week.

Reasons for Missed Commitments

There are many reasons why the completion of a task may be delayed. When a commitment date is missed, the task must be recommitted with a new date and a reason for missing the commitment. Metrics for reasons for missed commitments are tracked on tasks with recommitted due dates up to and including the previous day. Use the chart to track the reasons for delayed tasks. Reasons with high occurrences may prompt you to take action to reduce them. You can toggle the chart format between a bar chart and a pie chart.

Reasons for Missed Commitments Over Time

Track the number of missed commitments over time to view trends in the usage of a particular reason by time and by company. Each bar represents the total number of missed commitments for a time period, and each colored section of a bar represents a different reason for missing a commitment. Hover over a colored section to view the number of times a reason has been used during that time period, a breakdown of the usage by company, and the reason's usage as a percentage of all reasons used during that time. You can also toggle the display of individual reasons across the entire chart. The values in this chart are calculated up to and including the previous day.

Company Planned Percent Complete Over Time

Each line in the chart represents the PPC value of tasks assigned to a single company as it changes over time. Hover over a plot point to view the Company PPC value for that particular time period. Some PPC values may be shared by more than one company. To view all the plot points on a PPC value, use the Quick Filter to toggle the display of companies across the Analysis page, or select a company name on the X-axis of the chart to only toggle that company's line. Company PPC is only calculated up to and including the previous day or week.