Measures Overview

Measures are user-defined metrics for quantitatively monitoring the health and performance of your data. You can create separate measures for portfolios or strategies, programs, and projects. For example, you can create measures to capture the number of on-time projects in your portfolio or program, the return on investment of individual strategies, or the percentage of critical activities in a project. Measures can be added as part of the view on a variety of pages throughout the application.

Depending on the context, different object types are available to be used as the measure's aggregation source, whose data is captured, aggregated, and displayed as the measure's value. The value can be a cost, number, or percentage. Measures have two dimensions: actual and target. The actual value is required, and indicates the current value of the data the measure is defined to track. The target value is optional, and can be used when comparing the measure against a defined threshold that you want to meet. Establish thresholds and indicators to visually represent the status of a measure. Actual and target values can be calculated using a formula or they can be set for manual entry. When defining formulas for the actual or target value, choose whether the expression is based on attributes of the measure's aggregation source object or based on existing measures. Attributes and existing measures cannot be used in the same expression for a measure.

Measures are created at the workspace level and are available to the owning workspace's hierarchy depending on their sharing method. To use a measure for a particular portfolio or strategy within a workspace, the measure must first be associated with that portfolio or strategy. Program and project measures do not need to be associated before they can be used in workspaces where they are available. Use the following table to determine where different measure types are configured, the pages where they are available to be used, and the objects that can be used as an aggregation source.

Configuring Measures

Measure Type

Configuration Location

Available To

Aggregation Source


Workspace Measures Dictionary

  • Portfolios Page
  • Portfolio: Scorecard
  • Workspace: Summary Scorecard



Workspace Measures Dictionary

  • Workspace: Strategy List, Strategy Scorecard



Program Defaults & Options

  • Programs Page

Project, Program


Project Defaults & Options

  • Projects Page
  • Portfolio: Budget Planning, Selection Analysis, Scenario Comparison, Scorecard

Activity, Risk, Program, Project

Measure tracking is also supported by Primavera Cloud's reporting and dashboard functionality.