Service Task Options Fields
These fields appear when you select a service task on the Configure Workflow step of the Workflow Configuration Wizard.
Context Type
The kind of object the service task runs against.
Context Object
The specific object on which the service task runs.
The service task will run on behalf of the user configured.
Which service task will run:
- Copy WBS: This service will automatically copy WBS items.
- Copy From WBS: Select a project WBS to copy from. Copy From WBS can be left blank if the context type or is set to Project, or if the workflow context object is Project. If the Copy From WBS field is left blank, the entire WBS structure from the source object will be copied.
- Copy To WBS: Select a project to which the chosen WBS is copied. This option is only available when the Context Object is Project, and is disabled if the Context Type is Same as Step. If disabled, the workflow will apply the context object configured in the Step of the workflow configuration at runtime. If Copy To WBS is left blank, then the copy of the WBS is done at the root WBS node of the target object.
- Select which WBS items to copy - Activities, Codes (Project), Codes (Workspace), Tasks, Configured Fields, Relationships, Resource Assignments, and Task Hand-offs. If no items are selected, only the WBS elements and structure are copied.
- Recalculate Costs: This service will run the activities page cost recalculation for a project.
- If a project object has been selected during workflow or task configuration, the Schedule/Scenario field appears when Recalculate Costs service task is selected. This field enables configuration of a specific schedule or scenario against which recalculate costs should be done. The default setting will always be set to current schedule.
- Run Report: This service will automatically run a report. When Run Report service task is selected, the following fields appear:
- Select Report to Run: Select an existing report in the Select Report dialog, and then select Select.
- Layout: Select a layout for the selected report. The default layout is Primavera Cloud Layout.
- Orientation: Select Portrait or Landscape orientation for the report.
- Include child Workspaces: Select this option to include data from child workspaces in the report.
- Output Format: Select XLS, XLSX, HTML, PDF, RTF or XML.
- Delivery Type: Email is the default delivery type for the report. Select the icon to configure the To, CC, BCC, and Subject fields.
- Synchronization: This service will run synchronization for a project. When Synchronization service task is selected, two fields appear: Select Application and Business Flow.
- Select Application: The application, P6 EPPM or Primavera Gateway, the synchronization should be run against.
- Business Flow: The business flow to run in a project or workspace.
Workflow waits for service to complete (available for Recalculate Costs and Synchronization Services)
When this option is selected, the workflow will wait for the service task to complete before progressing. Once the service task is marked complete, the workflow will progress according to the configuration.
- Recalculate Costs: The workflow will wait for the recalculation to complete. Once the recalculation is complete for the project, the task will be marked complete.
- Synchronization: The workflow will wait for the project or workspace synchronization to complete. Once the synchronization is complete for the project or the workspace, the task will be marked complete.
Note: A service task can complete with or without errors. Service tasks completed with errors will still progress the workflow. If a service task is unable to find its configured object (for example a project that has been moved), the service task will be skipped and the workflow will progress.
Use this field to specify which users who are not already involved in the workflow should be notified when the task is completed. You can include any combination of users, groups, or roles.
Include Workflow Initiator
When selected, the workflow initiator is notified when the task is completed, regardless of whether the workflow initiator is also selected in the Notify field.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025