View Risk Mean Impact Analysis Results

View the average impacts of activities and risks on the project cost and finish date.

To view risk mean impact analysis results:

  1. In the object selector, select Project, select View Projects List, and then select a project name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Risk, and then select Risk Analysis.
  3. Select the Mean Impact tab.
  4. In the Response Context list, select an analysis context:
    • Pre-Response: Displays analysis results based on pre-response values.
    • Post-Response: Displays analysis results based on post-response values.
  5. In the Show list, view analysis results for Activity Delay Contribution, Activity Cost Contribution, Risk Delay Contribution, and Risk Cost Contribution.

    Note: Available activity results are determined by your risk analysis settings.

  6. Select Settings for:
    • Filtering to filter the number of results displayed.
    • View Options to show result labels as Value, Percentage, or Value and Percentage.
  7. Select Show Contribution Breakdown for:
    • Activity Delay Contribution and Activity Cost Contribution to display the impact breakdown by risk.
    • Risk Cost Contribution to display the breakdown by direct cost impact and schedule cost impact.
