Customize the Work Plan Display

You can customize the hopper and planning board sections of the Work Plan page according to your preferences. Display up to six weeks at a time on the planning board. Group tasks in the hopper by activity, WBS, Activity Code, Task Code, Company, or None. Apply filters to reduce the number of visible tasks. Enable activity bands to sort the display of tasks according to their assigned activity name, ID, start date, or finish date. Tasks not associated with any activities are displayed below a band called "No Activity." Activity bands containing assigned tasks display the number of tasks beside the activity name. You can right-click or expand the activity band for more task information.

To customize the Work Plan display:

  1. In the object selector, select Project, select View Projects List, and then select a project name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Tasks, and then select Work Plan.
  3. You can perform the following actions in different areas of the Work Plan page to customize the display:
    • Select Settings to configure planning period filters, quick filters, task cards, page-specific formatting options, and task counts.
    • In the Show list on the Work Plan page, select Day to display tasks by individual days. Select a Weeks option to display between one and six weeks on the planning board. The number of displayed weeks may be constrained by the current planning period.
    • Change the time period displayed on the planning board by selecting the previous or next arrows above the planning board. Select Today to return the planning board display to the current day or week.

      With a custom planning period enabled, select Skip to beginning or Skip to end to change the planning board display to the first or last day or week in the period.

      Note: Select More Info in the planning board options to view the current planning period dates.

    • Select Tasks Only to display only tasks and task milestones in the hopper and planning board. Select Tasks and Activities to display tasks and task milestones grouped by their assigned activities.

      Note: When a task's due date falls outside of its assigned activity's start and finish dates, the activity grouping band border appears as a dashed line.

    • Select options from the Organize By list in the hopper to group tasks and consolidate items by shared categories.
      • Activity: Group tasks by activity. Use the arrow to expand additional activity sort order choices: Name, ID, Start Date, or Finish Date. Each selection has an ascending or descending option.
      • Code: Group tasks by Activity Code or Task Code.
    • Select options from the Organize By list in the planning board to modify planning board views. Select Best Fit to minimize unused space.Tasks with hand-off chains are grouped largest to smallest by chain length, and then alphabetically. Select Company to group tasks by their assigned companies. When grouping by company, task hand-off chains are ignored.
    • Drag the edge of any column on the planning board to change the size of all columns. This enables you to zoom in or out of the timescale. If the column size is decreased enough, smaller cards are used to represent tasks. This enables the application to display more tasks on the planning board. You can still move a card to change its due date, drag its edge to change its duration, and view status icons displayed on the card. Right-click a card to modify task details, commitments, and hand-offs, mark the task complete, or delete the task. Increase the column widths to return the task cards to their normal appearance.
  4. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
