Assign a User to a User Group on the Users Page

You can assign a user to a user group on the Users page. Users that are added to a user group will gain access to the objects that the user group is assigned to. The level of access will be determined by the permission sets configured for the user group.

You must be an application administrator or have the User Administration global privilege to be able to assign a user to a user group on the Users page. However, if you have the User Administration privilege, then you will only be able to see contexts that you have access to in the Context picker - contexts that you do not have access to will appear as Restricted.

To assign a user to a user group from the Users page:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Global Admin.
  2. Select Users from the list.
  3. In the table, select a user row to open the User Details panel.
  4. In the User Details panel, in the User Groups section, select Assign.
  5. In the Assign User Groups dialog box, in the Context picker, select a context.

    The context is the workspace or project where the user will be assigned to the user group.

  6. Select one or more user groups from the Available list, and then select Move Right to move them to the Selected list.
  7. Select Save.

    Note: Users will not be granted access to objects until their user group is assigned to an object.
