Propose a Risk in the Risk Register

You can implement workflows and forms to control the process of adding risks to the register. The risk proposal process is designed to allow a risk manager to collect project or program risks from other parties in a controlled manner. This ensures that risks that may be duplicates, erroneous, or unverified are not added to the risk register.

Users submit a proposal form to capture necessary information for a potential project or program risk. At the project level, custom workflows can be used to move the risk through an approval process. Project risks are not editable until they are approved or rejected through the workflow. At the program level and on projects without a set workflow, risks are added directly to the risk register. Proposed risks are added to the risk register with a status of Proposed. Risk proposed at the program level are added as program risks.

Before you can propose a risk, first ensure a custom workflow is assigned to the project, and custom forms are set at the project and program levels.

To propose a risk in the risk register:

  1. In the object selector, select Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Risk, and then select Risk Register.
  3. Select the Actions menu, and then select Propose Risk.
  4. In the proposal form dialog box, complete the form fields.
  5. Select Submit.
